Winter Percussion |
Winter Guard |
Ensemble Director: Vic Stauffenberg
(303) 898-2419 or [email protected] For those new to the indoor percussion activity, being in this ensemble requires things of its members that are not asked of other musical groups. For instance, the amount of coordination needed to put together a coordinated show requires increased time and dedication from the performers. Musical demands are also increased, as this activity is all about percussion and there is no band or color guard to take the judges’ eyes off what we are doing. Further, the physical requirements of playing instruments while moving (for battery) are quite demanding. All percussion students come to realize this, and there is an adjustment phase that includes the building up of physical and mental stamina. On the other hand, Winter Percussion offers its performers extraordinary opportunities for teamwork, camaraderie, and memorable experiences that students in other groups may not get. Yes, we work very hard, but by the time the season is over, you won’t want it to end. If you ever need evidence of the amazing experiences students have in percussion, just ask.
This program was developed as an avenue for young students to further their knowledge and education in color guard and dance, as well as to provide an opportunity for new students to experience what color guard is and the positive impact it can have. The ensemble is a member of and competes in a statewide circuit run by the Rocky Mountain Color Guard Association (RMCGA), a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and celebration of success in color guard. The goal of the ensemble is to provide each student with high level of education in equipment work, dance, and performance. Through the achievement of high standards of education and performance, we develop in each member a strong sense of personal growth and accountability, responsibility, confidence, compassion, dedication, work ethic, perseverance, and time management.
Winter Percussion Handbook
Coming Soon.
Winter Guard Handbook
Coming Soon.
Payment can be placed in the drop box located outside of Mr. Evans office. Make check payable to "MRHS Band Boosters" and please make sure to include the student's name.
Winter Percussion - Rocky Mountain Percussion Association (RMPA):
Visit their site for information on competitions (i.e., schedule, gym layout, times, etc.) here- Competition dates: Please refer to the MRHS Band Booster calendar here as we may not attend all competitions listed on the RMPA site. |